We Are Ready!

As of yesterday, I am 37 weeks pregnant. About month ago, I was informed via an ultrasound that the baby is measuring at least 1 week ahead, last Wednesday I was told that now both myself and the baby are measuring 2 weeks ahead. In other words, this baby can come any day now!

Can I just say that as a first time mom, this makes me feel a bit anxious… not because I am scared but instead because I keep going over this list in my head of things that need to be ready for this baby. In all reality, all this baby needs is to eat, sleep and poop. But you know, we live in America and there is this store called Buy Buy Baby and it is really good at making you feel like you are illy prepared to bring a child into the world unless you buy everything in that place.

The truth however is that our sweet little baby doesn’t even get his or her own room! Ha… yeah, because we live in an apartment that is a whopping 550sq feet, so space isn’t exactly something of excess around here. I wanted to share with you all some updates on this pregnancy as well as show off the little spaces we have created around our apartment to welcome this little peanut into our lives… so here we go!


Hello Belly!!! Also, please note the giant cup of ice and then continue reading πŸ˜‰

Weight Gain: 23lbs… I had lost 20 in the beginning of this pregnancy so technically I am only up 3lbs. This is very deceiving as most people think, oh wow how nice but let’s all remember that you can only lose 20lbs if you have 20lbs to lose.

Gender: We still don’t know! Call us crazy but we have loved not knowing for a few reasons. One of which is the fact that we do live in such a tiny place, not knowing what we are having has seriously prohibited us and our family members from shopping like crazy.

Food Cravings: Anything salty, cold or sour. I could live off of roasted broccoli, am eating ice like crazy and would be totally ok if my house has a family size bag of Cool Ranch Dorito’s in it at all times. I am still drinking my Shakeology just about everyday so that I know if nothing else the baby and I are getting all of our vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in.

Food Aversions: Everything… just kidding. All meat, touching it literally makes me vomit. I cannot stand to be around take out or fast food. I could pretty much just be a vegetarian at this point… possibly even a vegan. I guess I just kind of hate food for now.

Mood Lately: I am the biggest baby in the world when I am tired lately. Now granted, I go 3 or 4 nights any more with less than 3 hours of sleep so maybe this is expected but I hate how irritated I get over little things as well as how grumpy I am when I am driving in the car. I swear I wasn’t like this before and my heart aches for my dear, sweet, loving husband.

Pregnancy Complaints:I think my brain is missing. A common mistake I make is doing an entire load of laundry without putting the clothes in or attempting to say something to my husband but not being able to. I have literally resorted to just saying key words followed by “and other words”. He has learned to accept this as our reality and I just walk away to do/get what ever it is I am trying to communicate to him.

Pregnancy Loves: Feeling the baby move… especially at night when my husband reads and talks to this little guy or girl. In fact, I make Al put the baby to sleep every night. Call me crazy but I swear that this baby does not settle down until Al talks to him or her and tells s/he to go to sleep and let me rest. I imagine this isn’t nearly the craziest thing we will do as parents so I’m just going with it.

Here are a few pictures of baby “stuff” around our place. As I mentioned above, we do not know the gender despite the blue room. When I registered for our wedding shower about a year ago, I went with blues, whites and creams for our bedroom and since the babies crib is with us in our room,it only seemed appropriate to go with the color scheme that already existed.

Baby Stuff A

The bouncer and bassinet are in our living room while the dresser/changing table is technically in our dining room. We will obviously be filling those frames with pictures of our little one and the draws will be filled with cloth diapers and lots of comfy jammies I am sure.

Baby Stuff B

My wonderful parents bought us our crib and that chair was a gift from my husband. He actually bought it for me before we were married. I am expecting many night time feedings to happen there! Also, the sweet teddy bear was a gift from my husband as well back before we were even engaged.

Al and I cannot wait to meet our little buddy and we cannot wait to introduce him or her to the world. I know this post has absolutely nothing to do with food, nutrition or health so thanks for sticking around and letting me gush with you for a bit about all the cute things taking place inside and outside of my big baby belly.

4 thoughts on “We Are Ready!

  1. Ah what a lovely decorating scheme, I love it, and think it will be perfect for a boy or girl. The crib is adorable. The wooden sign is beautiful, and such a great sentiment. Don’t worry about how much stuff your baby needs, looks like you have everything he or she will need already so just relax and enjoy your last few days or weeks of being a couple. Best of luck with the birth x

    • Thanks Becky, it has been fun to pick out little things here and there to get our humble home ready for this baby. My husband and I are enjoying our last days to ourselves! But still eager to meet this little peanut. Thanks for visiting and commenting ☺️

  2. Everything looks so adorable! Reading this makes me miss those last few weeks before baby #1 comes.

    Finding out the gender at birth is so fun! I found out for my first, didn’t find out for my second. Now that I have tried both ways, I think if I would have one more I would find out the gender. Just nice to prepare and to identify baby as a he or she during pregnancy (sorry, I know you are probably sick of hearing other people’s pregnancy tales at this point!!). All the best

    • I am not easily offended so don’t feel the need to say sorry πŸ˜‰ my husband and I already decided to find out with the next one, I think we just like to keep things interesting! I agree that finding out the gender helps to to prepare with more “stuff” which has actually worked to our advantage. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

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